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Windows 10 update and retirement calendar: Mark these dates | Computerworld - Want to add to the discussion?

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If you windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download multiple PCs, then buying 5 licences may be windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download but for most of windows 10 mere mortals, that is far too expensive.

You might нажмите чтобы прочитать больше to hamstring yourself without new features, but do not bloody assume everybody does. But i cant live with Pro - it already had corrupted my installation 2 times on feature windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download, and i had to reinstall all my stuff. I simply dont have time for reinstalling on a semi-annual basis, i need my workstation ltab get stuff done.

I could live with the downoad i dont need nor want, deleting candy crush and fixing all my settings again after updates, but not with broken installations. Its Ltsb for me until Msft gets their act together not holding my breathi will check back again in when support for this version of Windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download is ending.

Hm dont know, i get the licenses from the place i work at, for my work at home PCs. So i didnt pay it personally. I'm from EU too. Windows 10 Pro is too short-lived windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download, and is nothing close to reliability or availability Microsoft used to offer. Still remember the free upgrades towards Windows 10 Pro offered by Microsoft?

There is no free lunch. Microsoft winvows these free-to-play users for cost reduction purposes for their release of Service Packs. Those Windows 10 updates are essentially just service packs. Why do you think they fred new versions of Windows? Yes these are essentially service packs.

The point is that these service packs are supported for too short, ffree you to windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download feature updates every 18 months even if you use WSUS. For security reasons, most organizations can't accept to deploy EOL versions of Windows 10 for production.

This is like living in a house where you know that you are going to be forced to get evicted very 18 months for the sake of renovation. You simply can't settle down. The supported lifecycle isn't all that relevant. When it comes to Windows, people usually cite the "necessity" of Windows Updates, but the value of security patches and ongoing updates to a system is somewhat overrated.

Even the most egregrious security vulnerabilities can easily be avoided with rfddit very basic security practices on the user's part. What empirical data is there to support this claim? The reason I question it is because people have made the same claim for pretty much every single release of Windows. XP isn't as reliable as my old trusty Windows 98 SE, Windows 98 isn't as reliable as Windows 95, Wundows 95 just isn't up to snuff compared to Windows 3. Not downloas what you mean by availability.

Can you demonstrate how these "Free to play" users reduce costs? Can you demonstrate how that reduction in cost is linked directly to "service packs" or at least explain what you mean when you say Service Packs since Windows 10 doesn't receive them, unless you've decided to call feature updates Service Packs.

How does that factor in to Microsoft's evil plot to somehow reduce costs? This sounds like unfounded источник that have been accepted because you really want windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download to be true but without any strong supporting evidence. Not to mention the danger in public Wi-Fi networks.

The admin won't approve it. It's like not injecting vaccinations. In some countries vaccination is compulsory by 1. From the perspective of software engineering, redvit need time for each new release of OS to settle down with debug. Even Microsoft knows this. The proof is that they offer two different channels: one as Semi-Annual, and prro as Semi-Annual Targeted.

Microsoft now roll out feature updates into windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download "Semi-Annual Channel Targeted " with poor quality control. They use the guinea pig users to find microsoft visio 2016 location free любому, so they can prepare fixes for the "Semi-Annual Channel" at free cost. You can't lstb block feature updates. It's at the mercy of Microsoft to receive forced feature updates. I also remember earphones bought in the s that I wihdows tillthen I lost them.

Same with old Nokia phones, Sony Walkmans and so on. The global economy in the internet age doesn't reddif with products that last, no matter downloav much money you spent on them. Pro gives you everything a home user can want. You got lucky that someone frwe you a single licence. What ads is it that everyone is getting? I think I have seen an ad for Office whatever current version or something once between two pcs running win 10 home since the public beta.

And it's not. I don't have a single ad on my PC. Suggestions turned off and it's just bliss. Bloatware can be uninstalled.

It's just annoying to have to do dwnload in the first place, but we'll have to endure it. Windows 10 Pro, even Windows 10 Enterprise comes out of the box with some games and shortcuts pointing to paid products from the Microsoft Store that automatically install themselves unless you rrddit some PowerShell scripting /5038.txt deployment.

To me, windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download sure doesn't feel like a Professional or Enterprise version. You don't want games on a corporate system or links to app listings the business has no intention to acquire. Sure, you can remove them through scripting, but you're making more work for the prl team to remove stuff that should arguably not be there in the first place. So much this. People that have little to no experience with windows will not never know the feeling of running an OS without ads, bloat or even forced semi annual upgrades.

Just like Windows 9 modified 8. I can disable unwanted stuff on Pro and I still get на этой странице newer winxows on my personal machine. LTSB in my workflow would be for purpose assigned windoww, backup hard drives and VMs читать больше I don't want frequent windows update to create offline time or affect stability.

Quite happy. I even have Photoshop CC and all of the office apps on their, and they all work a dream. It's the best version, imo, really fast, light and stable even when I had it installed as non LTSB on my pc. It'd be nice if you could read. Unstable updates and telemetry. I would winfows like to add: annoy-ware, beg-ware, bloatware, spyware, resetting settings and default applications, and inconsistencies in the UI.

It's not all about spy. It's also about having to do clean re-installations from time to time. This is even worse than regularly flashing an Android phone. I understand that younger people may have the time and passion to do this on a semi-annual basis and don't mind dealing with issues, but some people prefer not to spend their lives doing this.

Why do you have to reinstall from time to time? Since the Win 10 beta, I have been running 10 on two machines. Rsddit a clean install the other was an upgrade install the wife did not want to clean install. I have reinstalled Windows 10 once since then on the clean installed box. That was only because of an SSD boot drive upgrade. For example, "in-place" feature update of has caused BSOD on all my windows 10 ltsb vs pro reddit free download, and half of my machines have a drive letter assigned to the recovery partition.

About two thirds of them run into issues with freezing start menus. Color calibration of monitor is also broken, with inconsistent color spaces among different applications. Even temperature sensor reading programs can halt the system. Minutes that you could afford easier than the amount of приведу ссылку you spent and the amount of time wasted to LARP and equate windows versions to social classes. It's not just the spying itself, though the collectors do windoww a very thorough profile of their users.

It's also how sloppily they do it. All this collection, still updates break all the time. It really makes you wonder what they're doing with pro 2 user license this data, and if some proo will regret being complacent.



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Each mutation of the plan comes as a surprise to customers. That's why everyone should be marking the calendar with Windows' most important release events. This is the latest schedule; pencil in these dates. Windows 10 21H1 — probably nicknamed "April Update" — may release after this date, the month's Patch Tuesday. Remember, Microsoft changed its feature upgrade naming convention in June , dropping the yymm format for the new yyH1 and yyH2 for each year's first- and second-half releases.

It is possible that Microsoft will not issue a spring feature upgrade as it's done since ; reports have circulated that the firm will shift to a once-a-year tempo by giving the first slot of to the launch of Windows 10X , another attempt by the company to craft a lighter-weight OS to compete with the likes of Google's Chrome OS and Apple's iPadOS.

If Windows 10 21H1 does appear, it will be installed primarily by Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro customers because of its shorter month support lifecycle. On this date, Microsoft told commercial customers that Windows 10 was reliable and stable enough that it could be deployed to all corporate PCs.

That guidance was notable — not for its appearance, for Microsoft has consistently declared Windows 10 versions' suitability for broad rollout — but because it came more than eight months after the May 27, , launch of Windows 10 The delay was the longest yet for Microsoft, breaking the prior record of six and a half months set by Windows 10 , 's immediate predecessor.

Previously, the time gap between launch and a Microsoft declaration was shorter, on the order of four months as an average. So, why did it take nearly half the month support lifetime of Windows 10 to declare it safe and sound? And more importantly, are these notifications still valuable to IT administrators? Computerworld doesn't have definitive answers for the first two questions.

On the third, our take is that, no, they're not. Not with delays so lengthy that the messages become meaningless, so tardy that months of active use were wasted. Computerworld will, for now, continue to insert its projected dates for Microsoft's ready-for-business into this calendar, using a seven-month lag between release and notice, a rough average of the last two notifications.

The announcement that that would change to multiple releases each year - initially, three annually - was a shock. Microsoft tried to soften the blow by offering a schedule very similar to the slower cadence familiar to IT: Upgrades that appeared every three years or so, with little or no feature changes in between, and an update model that provided only security fixes.

Although Microsoft always opined that LTSB was suitable only as a minority choice - one for special situations, such as machines that simply should not be frequently touched, like those that control industrial systems or ATMs - early in Windows 10, there was significant talk among IT administrators about choosing LTSB for broad swaths of their PC inventory.

Because they weren't convinced they could, or even should, snap to and adapt to Microsoft's pitch of "Windows as a service" WaaS. Over a year and a half ago, Microsoft added another law to the Windows 10 support scene, one that analysts contended invalidated LTSB's advantages over the shifting features that mark the other versions. But in early , the company ruled that "LTSBs will support the currently released silicon at the time of release of the LTSB [ emphasis added ]," and that as new processors appeared from the likes of Intel and AMD, "support will be created through future Windows 10 LTSB releases that customers can deploy for those systems.

The bland language disguised a huge change. Rather than be able to stick with a single LTSB edition for five, even 10, years, enterprises will need to adopt virtually every LTSB version as they buy new PCs powered by newser processors.

But there are conditions and stipulations. No surprise, really, what with Microsoft's overall attitude toward the long-term build.

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